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Atte Combe Cottage
Acomb, Northumberland

Booking your stay at Atte Combe Cottage is easy. Just fill out the booking form and submit it online. I'll be in touch with payment details, once the deposit has been paid by either BACS or cheque your booking will be confirmed. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the booking process.
Please read carefully as this sets out the terms of the contract that you will enter into when you make a booking with Atte Combe Cottage. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Arrival and Departure
On the day of your arrival, your cottage will be available from 3.00 pm. On the day of departure, you must vacate the cottage by 10.00 am.
A deposit is payable at the time of booking of 25% of the total cost of the booking. Once the deposit has been paid and the booking has been confirmed by us via email, a binding contract will exist between us. Deposits are non-refundable unless we are unable to fulfil the booking.
The full balance is due four weeks before the arrival day. If this is not received timeously, we have the right to cancel the holiday and the deposit will be lost. We are not obliged to send reminders. For bookings made within four weeks of the arrival date, the full money is due immediately.
Payment may be made by cheque (made payable to 'S A Tiffin, by bank transfer, or by BACS. If payment of the deposit is not received within 5 working days the holiday will be put back on sale.
Only the persons listed in the booking request, or notified to us and accepted by us afterwards, may stay in the property. The maximum occupancy of the property must not exceed four. Bookings will not be accepted from single persons under the age of 21 years without our prior agreement. The contract between us is for a licence to occupy the accommodation for the duration of the holiday let and no tenancy is created.
Unfortunately, we do not accept pets at the cottage,
Smoking and vaping are not permitted in Atte Combe Cottage.
Parking is no permitted at the side of the cottage as neighbours need access.
Once you have booked your stay with us and we have accepted your booking, our agreement is a legal contract and any deposit you may have paid is non-refundable. If you need to cancel, please contact us immediately and confirm it in writing. For holidays cancelled by you, 30 days prior to your arrival you will lose the deposit. for booking cancelled 14 days before arrival we will refund you 50% less a £30 admin fee. If a holiday is cancelled 7 days or less no refund will be made.
We strongly recommend that you obtain suitable holiday insurance to avoid any loss owing to cancellation.
We will only cancel your booking if your accommodation becomes unavailable for reasons beyond our control. In this unlikely event, we will attempt to offer you alternative dates. However, if this is not possible or, with both sides acting reasonably, is unacceptable to you, we will refund all monies paid by you. Whatever the circumstances, our liability to you will not extend beyond a full refund. We shall not be responsible for any consequential loss.
Sharing Possession
The accommodation must not be shared with anyone not named on the booking form nor may you part with possession of it and the number of persons using the accommodation must not exceed four. This shall not affect your ability to, for instance, have friends for drinks or supper to a limit of eight.
Inspection and Maintenance
We or our representatives shall be allowed access to the accommodation at any reasonable time for inspection or maintenance.
Damages and Breakages
We are very proud of our cottage and ask you to take good care of it and the furniture and equipment. It would be greatly appreciated if you leave the cottage in a neat and tidy condition. You are responsible and liable for any damage or breakages which you cause to the accommodation or its contents, including furniture and equipment. We do not normally charge for minor breakages, but you will be held responsible for the full costs of cleaning, repair or making good if we consider that the damage or breakage is significant. Please report any damage or breakages as soon as they occur.
Please report without delay any defects in the property or any breakdown of equipment or appliances therein. Arrangements for repair or replacement will be made as soon as possible.
Anti-Social Behaviour
You agree not to act in any way which might cause disturbance to any neighbouring properties. If we consider that you have behaved anti-socially, irresponsibly, or have caused significant damage to the property or the property of others, we are entitled to terminate your let immediately without a refund.
The contract is between Atte Combe Cottage (S A Tiffin) and the person or persons in whose name the booking is made. That person or persons shall be liable to Atte Combe Cottage (S A Tiffin), on a full indemnity basis, for the acts and omissions of any third party at Atte Combe Cottage with their consent or acquiescence, including for any damage or breakages which they may cause to the accommodation or its contents, including furniture and equipment Save for damages for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Atte Combe Cottage, we do not accept any liability for any damage, loss, injury, sickness or inconvenience to you or any member of your party, or to any vehicles or possessions belonging to you or any of them, howsoever caused. Nor shall we be liable for any additional expenses incurred by you or any member of your party whether directly or indirectly caused by or arising from any aspect of your booking with us. Under no circumstances shall our liability to you exceed the amount paid by you to us.
Website Content
We will endeavour to ensure that the content of this website is always accurate, honest, and up-to-date. However, all content, including prices, is subject to change without notice and we cannot accept liability for the performance, standard or quality of any third party venue, goods or services referred to in our marketing or other material (for instance, any Information Pack).
Applicable Law
When making a booking with us, you agree to comply with the above terms and conditions. In the event of a dispute, the laws of England and Wales shall apply, and the English courts shall have jurisdiction.
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